It's time for another summer double-header! First up is our ol' pal Neil Devlin (@lastbosscomics) with a brand new comic and always awesome art show! Neil's been a footnote of the Seattle music scene since 2000. He has also made several comic books and worked with many bands, performers and artists as an editor, designer and illustrator. His artwork has graced the walls of Bruce Lurie Gallery (Los Angeles,) Clutter Gallery (Beacon, NY,) Earth 2 Kentucky (Covington, KY) and, of course, Push/Pull Gallery. Not to mention telephone poles all over the country and record store dollar bins all over the world. Though I am not a spiteful person by nature, a certain vocal minority of bigots and simpletons, who aim to claw their way to the top with the help of a media cycle desperate for a horror story, keep my natural desire to push back against the status quo active and my need to produce art fueled. We'll also have Jess Ray (@wobblefincharts), another Seattle local with a wicked sense of humor, and art to match it! Jess explores beautiful ugly things and ugly beautiful things and visual jokes, carrying a sense of wonder and playfulness in their art. ![]() The world is a ridiculous place, and humans are ridiculous creatures. We are always doing things that go against our best interests, making bad decisions, even when we know they are bad. Cacoethes means an irresistible urge to do something inadvisable, and I think it’s an essential part of being human. At the same time, the world and its inhabitants are so beautiful, surprising, and wonderful. The absurdity and the beauty seem like they should be mutually exclusive, but they aren’t. Both shows will be up May 18 through June 14th at Push/Pull!
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August 2024